Are books a dying breed?
In this day and age, when information can be so easily accessed over the internet and read online, owning a physical copy of a book can seem redundant. Books have always been a bit of a contradiction, mass produced and yet precious to the individual once bought and owned.
Books can carry reflective personal associations, and so i’ve started the project Are Books A Dying Breed, the outcome im expecting is a book collection artwork, exploring our relationship with visual display and haptic reactions they can cause. There was a desire to avoid expected meanings and forms and instead protest in favour of medium. I experimented with layering and building up texture with a glue gun, to create pieces that made it natural for the viewer to have an enactive response. To further this I decided to focus on books, I was fascinated by the fact books were both stored away and displayed at the same time. I wanted to transform the mundane, overlooked, everyday item into something you could not ignore; something you had to pick up and inspect personally.